Our Vision is to see that missionaries, those who have dedicated their lives, often giving up their homes and possessions to pursue the work of spreading the Gospel around the world, are given a simple measure of care while they are here in the States….

   ~That care will be to provide a home, centrally located to many Christian church bases, to be used for furloughs and quiet retreat.

   ~That care will be to provide a peaceful setting of land and seclusion to recharge their energies for the field.

   ~That care will be to provide vehicles to be used by the missionaries as they travel stateside.


     Our Vision is to see that the money used for missions is well spent in reusable resources… both for housing and transportation.


    Our Vision is to do what we can to support the missionaries through providing these basic necessities both physically and spiritually, so we don’t fail our Lord by failing his workers.


    “This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of God’s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, men will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.”

2 Cor.9:12


Our Vision is to bring a bit of the world’s mission field here, for all of us Christians to be a real part of.